Organic Pork


The following is available at our Farm Shop


Bacon, Back and Streaky approx. 6-8 rashers/pack £30.00/kg
Sausages 6/pack, ~ 450g £13.00/kg
Gluten Free Sausages 6/pack, ~ 450g £13.00/kg
Chipolatas 12/pack ~ 450g £14.00/kg
Chops 2/pack, ~ 350-400g £16.50/kg
Roasting joints various sizes from 1-2kg
Shoulder, leg
  Belly, Loin £14.00/kg
Spare Ribs ~ 500g £15.50/kg
Diced ~ 500g pack £12.50/kg
Mince ~ 500g pack £12.50/kg
Tenderloin/Fillet ~ 250-300g pack £26.00/kg
Leg Escalopes ~ 200g pack £23.00/kg
Gammon joints various sizes from 1-2kg £16.50/kg
Gammon steaks ~ 150-200g each £19.50/kg
Sausagemeat ~ 500g pack
Regular or Gluten Free
  • Belly joints, loin joints and chops are very popular so we advise pre-ordering
  • To place an order for any pork product, please either visit the shop, call Jeremy on 07793467353 or email
  • Cheeks, trotters, leg shanks and offal (liver, hearts, kidneys) are also available if pre-ordered

About Our Pigs


We have a herd of organic rare breed British Saddlebacks.  Our pigs live outdoors all year round, clearing the veg plots in the autumn to early srping and foraging in our woodland suring the summer months.

Pedigree pigs provide unrivalled provenance of the pork you buy - our pigs can trace their family tree unbroken for over one hundred years and, as breeeders we conform to a set of standards to ensure that the best quality of pigs go on and parent the next generation.

Organic pigs provide peace of mind that the pigs have had the best possible life.  Our pigs are moved on a regular basis onto fresh ground and are kept in pairs as adults right up to farrowing.  Each pair are given up to 1/4 acre of fresh ground each time they are moved.  As Soil Association licencees we are prohibited from the routine use of veterinary drugs such as antibiotics.



We are located at:

Limekiln Forest Road



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If you have any queries, please contact us:


07793 467353 07793 467353


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